More than 1000 publications citing the use of Olink!

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More than one thousand peer-reviewed articles citing the use of Olink® Proximity Extension Assay (PEA) technology have now been published, underscoring the widespread adoption and successful application of our protein biomarker solutions by the scientific community. While we proudly celebrated the 100th “Olink paper” in 2017, the rate of publication has accelerated rapidly since then, reflecting pioneering research efforts across all major regions worldwide, in-step with the rapid growth of Olink’s global business. Over 230 new articles have already been published so far in 2022, pushing the total to more than 1000. Overall, PEA has helped enable publication in some of the most prestigious journals in the world, such as The Lancet, Nature, Nature Medicine, Science and Cell, and others.


Cumulative publications citing Olink over time (2022 total projected).

Olink’s protein biomarker solutions are applicable to almost any type of research into human biology, which is reflected in an extraordinarily broad range of application areas covered by the published literature. Scientists have applied Olink to everything from in vitro experiments in basic biological research, through a wide variety of clinical studies using patient samples, as well as in drug development-related applications in association with clinical trials. All major disease areas have been investigated using Olink panels, with particularly robust application to cardiovascular, metabolic, neurological, and inflammatory/immunological diseases, oncology/immunotherapy, and in the past few years, COVID-19 research.


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We are delighted that so many outstanding scientists have been able to use our protein biomarker solutions to further their important research and produce this exceptional body of high-quality publications. Peer-reviewed publications are the lifeblood of the research community, representing a key measure of success for scientists, driving progress towards a deeper biological understanding of human health and disease, and providing the foundation to develop new and better therapies.

Dr. Ida Grundberg, Chief Scientific Officer, Olink.

Ida Grundberg PNG

Listen to Ida’s reflections on how the application of Olink’s technology has developed over the years, and her reactions to achieving the 1000 publications milestone

A view from the Olink scientific community

The two principal scientists involved in the very first Olink study to be published give their perspectives on the 1000 publication milestone:

It has been quite the journey! Starting from the very first Target 96 Oncology I panel that we used in our first Olink study, branching out to both the focused, custom small biomarker panels with readout in absolute concentrations and the large exploratory Explore panels measuring thousands of proteins at once. Being early adopters of the PEA-technology has propelled our studies of protein biomarkers in relation to health and disease in ways we could not have imagined

Stefan Enroth, Associate Professor in Computational Genomics at Uppsala University, Sweden

The Olink multiplex PEA platform is a transformative -omics technology, enabling high throughput, highly multiplexed and precise protein analysis. As early adopters of PEA we have successfully used this to identify biomarkers for gynecological cancer. NGS has completely changed the genomics field. The Explore technology promises to be as transformative for the proteomics analysis. Coupling PEA with a NGS readout provides unprecedented opportunities for exhaustive analysis of the human proteome.

Ulf Gyllensten, Professor of Medical Molecular Genetics at Uppsala University, Sweden

Research trends reflected in recent publications

The unique scalability of Olink’s technology, from high-plex to low-plex proteomics, is also on display in this collective effort, from smaller studies with tens of samples looking at fewer than 100 proteins (with Olink® Target 48/96 panels) to major international projects such as the UK Biobank Pharma Proteomics Project measuring almost three thousand proteins in tens of thousands of samples (with Olink® Explore 3072).

Over time and as the Olink offering has expanded, there has been a clear trend towards broader studies measuring large numbers of proteins to answer increasingly complex questions. There is also a clear, growing trend for more “systems biology” studies in which proteomics is combined with other omics technologies such as genomics, transcriptomics, and metabolomics. Olink believes this multi-omics approach is needed to help drive a deep understanding of human health and disease, and to promote healthcare’s progress around precision medicine. One of the challenges for these types of studies is the volume and complexity of the data produced, which will require new, sophisticated tools to facilitate the biostatistical and bioinformatic analyses required to convert data into actionable insights. Olink® Insight is a digital knowledge-sharing platform to amplify the value of proteomics data. It improves the user data journey with tools that help translate biological pathways to generate a list of candidate protein biomarkers, enabling improved experiment planning and setup, post-run data analysis, and by analytical tools, applications, scripts, and shared expertise, to provide users a faster time to value with their data. Learn more about Insight platform.

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