Beyond Mass Spec: Genomeweb article March 2020

An article in Genomeweb by Adam Bonislawski looks at an important shift in the technologies being used in proteomics research, which was until recently dominated heavily by mass spectrometry. With contributions from several leading lights in the scientific community, he describes how high-multiplex, affinity-based methods have now started to establish themselves as important proteomics tools that may have significant advantages over mass spectrometry in many instances.

For example, Professor Steven Carr (Senior Director of Proteomics at the Broad Institute) predicts that high-multiplex, affinity-based technologies like Olink’s will largely replace mass spectrometry for protein biomarker discovery in biofluids.

This fascinating and informative article on the future development of the proteomics field mirrors our own experience at Olink, where we have seen an increasing interest among the scientific community to look beyond mass spec in order to fully exploit the potential of proteomics to better understand real-time human biology. We have seen a growing diversity in technological approaches being discussed at the annual HUPO meetings, for example, where we presented a workshop on this very topic at the Adelaide meeting in 2019.

See the Genomeweb article using this link.