
Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific





See alternative names Caltractin isoform 1

Uniprot Function Description

Involved in global genome nucleotide excision repair (GG-NER) by acting as component of the XPC complex. Cooperatively with RAD23B appears to stabilize XPC. In vitro, stimulates DNA binding of the XPC:RAD23B dimer.

The XPC complex is proposed to represent the first factor bound at the sites of DNA damage and together with other core recognition factors, XPA, RPA and the TFIIH complex, is part of the pre-incision (or initial recognition) complex. The XPC complex recognizes a wide spectrum of damaged DNA characterized by distortions of the DNA helix such as single-stranded loops, mismatched bubbles or single-stranded overhangs. The orientation of XPC complex binding appears to be crucial for inducing a productive NER. XPC complex is proposed to recognize and to interact with unpaired bases on the undamaged DNA strand which is followed by recruitment of the TFIIH complex and subsequent scanning for lesions in the opposite strand in a 5'-to-3' direction by the NER machinery. Cyclobutane pyrimidine dimers (CPDs) which are formed upon UV-induced DNA damage esacpe detection by the XPC complex due to a low degree of structural perurbation. Instead they are detected by the UV-DDB complex which in turn recruits and cooperates with the XPC complex in the respective DNA repair.

As a component of the TREX-2 complex, involved in the export of mRNAs to the cytoplasm through the nuclear pores.

Plays a fundamental role in microtubule organizing center structure and function. Required for centriole duplication and correct spindle formation. Has a role in regulating cytokinesis and genome stability via cooperation with CALM1 and CCP110.

Sample type

Human EDTA plasma and serum are the recommended sample types. Human citrate plasma and heparin plasma are also accepted. For other samples types e.g cerebrospinal fluid, (CSF), tissue or cell lysates please we recommend Olink Target 96 panels. Please note that protein expression levels are expected to vary in different sample types and certain assays may be affected by interfering substances such as hemolysate.


Precision (repeatability) is calculated from linearized NPX values over LOD.

Within run precision Coefficient of Variation (CV)
Between run precision Coefficient of Variation (CV)

Analytical measuring range

The technical data reported below refers to the measured value in the in vitro validation assays run using known concentrations of recombinant antigen. Please note that these figures are for reference only and CANNOT be used to convert NPX values to absolute concentrations for proteins measured in plasma or serum samples.

LOD (pg/mL)
LLOQ (pg/mL)
ULOQ (pg/mL)
Hook (pg/mL)
Range (logs)

Dilution factor

For optimal assay readout, Olink Explore is run using different dilutions of the original samples (undiluted, 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000). The dilution factor for this assay is noted below and should be taken into account when estimating the appropriate addressable biological concentration of the protein based on the in vitro validation data.

Dilution factor

Sensitivity plot

The calibrator curve shown below visualizes the analytical measuring range data based on in vitro measurement of recombinant antigen. Please note that this is shown for reference only and CANNOT be used to convert NPX values to absolute concentrations for proteins measured in plasma or serum samples. The vertical dotted lines represent LLOQ and ULOQ respectively, and the horizontal line indicates the LOD.


Sample distribution plot

The plot below shows the levels of protein measured in a number of commercial plasma samples. Healthy subjects are shown in blue and samples obtained from patients with a range of diseases are shown in red. The latter include inflammatory, cardiovascular, autoimmune & neurological diseases, as well as cancer. The data is shown to give a general idea of the sort of data range to expect, but cannot cover all potential levels that may be seen in clinical samples.

1614121086420−2−4NPXControl SamplesDisease Samples

Biomarker Validation Data

Additional validation data, as well as a more detailed description of how the Olink panels are quality controlled can be found in our Data Validation documents – go to Document download center

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