
Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

Apps by Olink

From study planning to actionable insights, Olink provides expertise, tools, resources, and services to help accelerate your proteomics study and support you throughout your complete data journey.

Getting started

Accelerate your biological research with tools for panel selection, disease association, study size calculation, and pathway browsing. Olink Insight offers automatic data annotation, exclusive datasets, and proteomics research capabilities. So whichever direction your research takes you, you have the tools you need.

Streamline your analytical process

Olink Analyze is a comprehensive R package that lets you investigate your data with statistical and bioinformatic functions, while enabling custom analysis pipelines.

Turn raw data into actionable analysis

NPX Software let’s you achieve fast data analysis by quickly converting raw data into normalized NPX values. Ensure data reliability with robust quality control, enabling confident decisions. Be in control of your data throughout the whole process.