
Part of Thermo Fisher Scientific

Get from data to discovery. Easily and efficiently.

OlinkOlink® Analyze

Simplify the analytical process while enabling custom analysis pipelines with our R package. Investigate your data with statistical and bioinformatic functions.

Unlock possibilities

Olink Analyze, our R package, reads and transforms data, ensures quality, performs statistical analysis, and creates visualizations to uncover biological insights.

Unlock the trends 
in your data

Use the R package specifically tailored for exploring and analyzing your Olink data. R is a powerful programming language for statistical analyses and generating impactful, publication-ready visualizations.

This package enables automation of statistical analysis using modular sets of code (functions) to expedite and simplify your data analysis. Backed by the world’s leading open-source R repository, you can feel confident using Olink Analyze to analyze your data.

Olink Analyze is a trusted resource used to uncover the truth of real-time biology for innovative startups, small research labs, and leading institutions and pharma companies.


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From study planning to biological interpretation

Olink Analyze offers robust data analysis and visualization tools to enhance insights wherever you are in your research journey.

Study design

Ensure your study is not underpowered to avoid missing important findings. Use the Study Size Calculator to design your experiment for success.

Sample prep

Reduce noise and enhance data quality through proper randomization and bridge sample selection. Olink Analyze offers functions and tutorials to simplify sample preparation.

Data input and normalization

Import your data into R to enhance your analysis. Use Olink’s tools to combine multiple Olink studies and adjust for batch effects.

Outlier detection and pre-analytical QC

Identify and address technical or biological outliers that can distort statistical results. Examine key aspects of your data to investigate or remove outlier samples.

Statistical analysis

Reveal trends, highlight group differences, generate new hypotheses, and discover biomarkers of interest with Olink Analyze’s suite of functions. Refer to the Olink Analyze Cheatsheet for model guidance.


Create clear and effective figures for presentations and papers, making your findings easier to understand and interpret.

Biological interpretation

Connect proteins to biological processes and uncover enriched pathways. Pathway analysis aids in generating new hypotheses and discovering potential mechanisms of action.

In action

Olink Analyze drives key features inside Olink Insight, like advanced data visualization, study planning tools, and data stories that clearly show how the code is best used.

Additional resources

Our platform was built in close collaboration with our community, and the tools and services we prioritise are the ones our customers are asking for. This close relationship drives proteomics forward—not just for you, but for everyone.