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HLA class II histocompatibility antigen, DR alpha chain

See alternative names
MHC class II antigen DRA

Uniprot Function Description

Binds peptides derived from antigens that access the endocytic route of antigen presenting cells (APC) and presents them on the cell surface for recognition by the CD4 T-cells. The peptide binding cleft accommodates peptides of 10-30 residues. The peptides presented by MHC class II molecules are generated mostly by degradation of proteins that access the endocytic route, where they are processed by lysosomal proteases and other hydrolases. Exogenous antigens that have been endocytosed by the APC are thus readily available for presentation via MHC II molecules, and for this reason this antigen presentation pathway is usually referred to as exogenous. As membrane proteins on their way to degradation in lysosomes as part of their normal turn-over are also contained in the endosomal/lysosomal compartments, exogenous antigens must compete with those derived from endogenous components. Autophagy is also a source of endogenous peptides, autophagosomes constitutively fuse with MHC class II loading compartments. In addition to APCs, other cells of the gastrointestinal tract, such as epithelial cells, express MHC class II molecules and CD74 and act as APCs, which is an unusual trait of the GI tract. To produce a MHC class II molecule that presents an antigen, three MHC class II molecules (heterodimers of an alpha and a beta chain) associate with a CD74 trimer in the ER to form a heterononamer. Soon after the entry of this complex into the endosomal/lysosomal system where antigen processing occurs, CD74 undergoes a sequential degradation by various proteases, including CTSS and CTSL, leaving a small fragment termed CLIP (class-II-associated invariant chain peptide). The removal of CLIP is facilitated by HLA-DM via direct binding to the alpha-beta-CLIP complex so that CLIP is released. HLA-DM stabilizes MHC class II molecules until primary high affinity antigenic peptides are bound. The MHC II molecule bound to a peptide is then transported to the cell membrane surface. In B-cells, the interaction between HLA-DM and MHC class II molecules is regulated by HLA-DO. Primary dendritic cells (DCs) also to express HLA-DO. Lysosomal microenvironment has been implicated in the regulation of antigen loading into MHC II molecules, increased acidification produces increased proteolysis and efficient peptide loading.


Precision (repeatability) is calculated from linearized NPX values over LOD.

Within run precision Coefficient of Variation (CV)
Between run precision Coefficient of Variation (CV)

Analytical measuring range

The technical data reported below refers to the measured value in the in vitro validation assays run using known concentrations of recombinant antigen. Please note that these figures are for reference only and CANNOT be used to convert NPX values to absolute concentrations for proteins measured in plasma or serum samples.

LOD (pg/mL)
LLOQ (pg/mL)
ULOQ (pg/mL)
Hook (pg/mL)
Range (logs)

Sensitivity plot

The calibrator curve shown below visualizes the analytical measuring range data based on in vitro measurement of recombinant antigen. Please note that this is shown for reference only and CANNOT be used to convert NPX values to absolute concentrations for proteins measured in plasma or serum samples. The vertical dotted lines represent LLOQ and ULOQ respectively, and the horizontal line indicates the LOD.


Sample distribution plot

The plot below shows the levels of protein measured in a number of commercial plasma samples. Healthy subjects are shown in blue and samples obtained from patients with a range of diseases are shown in red. The latter include inflammatory, cardiovascular, autoimmune & neurological diseases, as well as cancer. The data is shown to give a general idea of the sort of data range to expect, but cannot cover all potential levels that may be seen in clinical samples.

Biomarker Validation Data

Additional validation data, as well as a more detailed description of how the Olink panels are quality controlled can be found in our Data Validation documents – go to Document download center

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