E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase parkin
See alternative names Parkin RBR E3 ubiquitin-protein ligase,
Parkinson juvenile disease protein 2
Uniprot Function Description
Functions within a multiprotein E3 ubiquitin ligase complex, catalyzing the covalent attachment of ubiquitin moieties onto substrate proteins (PubMed:10888878, PubMed:10973942, PubMed:11431533, PubMed:12150907, PubMed:12628165, PubMed:15105460, PubMed:16135753, PubMed:21376232, PubMed:21532592, PubMed:23754282, PubMed:23620051, PubMed:24660806, PubMed:24751536, PubMed:32047033, PubMed:29311685, PubMed:22396657). Substrates include SYT11 and VDAC1 (PubMed:32047033, PubMed:29311685). Other substrates are BCL2, CCNE1, GPR37, RHOT1/MIRO1, MFN1, MFN2, STUB1, SNCAIP, SEPTIN5, TOMM20, USP30, ZNF746, MIRO1 and AIMP2 (PubMed:10888878, PubMed:10973942, PubMed:11431533, PubMed:12150907, PubMed:12628165, PubMed:15105460, PubMed:16135753, PubMed:21376232, PubMed:21532592, PubMed:23754282, PubMed:23620051, PubMed:24660806, PubMed:24751536, PubMed:22396657). Mediates monoubiquitination as well as 'Lys-6', 'Lys-11', 'Lys-48'-linked and 'Lys-63'-linked polyubiquitination of substrates depending on the context (PubMed:19229105, PubMed:20889974, PubMed:25621951, PubMed:32047033, PubMed:25474007). Participates in the removal and/or detoxification of abnormally folded or damaged protein by mediating 'Lys-63'-linked polyubiquitination of misfolded proteins such as PARK7: 'Lys-63'-linked polyubiquitinated misfolded proteins are then recognized by HDAC6, leading to their recruitment to aggresomes, followed by degradation (PubMed:17846173, PubMed:19229105). Mediates 'Lys-63'-linked polyubiquitination of a 22 kDa O-linked glycosylated isoform of SNCAIP, possibly playing a role in Lewy-body formation (PubMed:11431533, PubMed:11590439, PubMed:15105460, PubMed:19229105, PubMed:15728840). Mediates monoubiquitination of BCL2, thereby acting as a positive regulator of autophagy (PubMed:20889974). Protects against mitochondrial dysfunction during cellular stress, by acting downstream of PINK1 to coordinate mitochondrial quality control mechanisms that remove and replace dysfunctional mitochondrial components (PubMed:32047033, PubMed:19029340, PubMed:19966284, PubMed:23620051, PubMed:24896179, PubMed:25527291, PubMed:18957282, PubMed:21376232, PubMed:22396657, PubMed:24660806, PubMed:25474007, PubMed:24784582, PubMed:11439185, PubMed:22082830, PubMed:23933751). Depending on the severity of mitochondrial damage and/or dysfunction, activity ranges from preventing apoptosis and stimulating mitochondrial biogenesis to regulating mitochondrial dynamics and eliminating severely damaged mitochondria via mitophagy (PubMed:32047033, PubMed:19029340, PubMed:19801972, PubMed:19966284, PubMed:23620051, PubMed:24896179, PubMed:25527291, PubMed:21376232, PubMed:22396657, PubMed:11439185, PubMed:22082830, PubMed:23933751, PubMed:33499712). Activation and recruitment onto the outer membrane of damaged/dysfunctional mitochondria (OMM) requires PINK1-mediated phosphorylation of both PRKN and ubiquitin (PubMed:24660806, PubMed:25474007, PubMed:24784582, PubMed:25527291). After mitochondrial damage, functions with PINK1 to mediate the decision between mitophagy or preventing apoptosis by inducing either the poly- or monoubiquitination of VDAC1, respectively; polyubiquitination of VDAC1 promotes mitophagy, while monoubiquitination of VDAC1 decreases mitochondrial calcium influx which ultimately inhibits apoptosis (PubMed:32047033). When cellular stress results in irreversible mitochondrial damage, promotes the autophagic degradation of dysfunctional depolarized mitochondria (mitophagy) by promoting the ubiquitination of mitochondrial proteins such as TOMM20, RHOT1/MIRO1, MFN1 and USP30 (PubMed:19029340, PubMed:19966284, PubMed:21753002, PubMed:23620051, PubMed:24896179, PubMed:25527291, PubMed:22396657, PubMed:23933751). Preferentially assembles 'Lys-6'-, 'Lys-11'- and 'Lys-63'-linked polyubiquitin chains, leading to mitophagy (PubMed:25621951, PubMed:32047033). The PINK1-PRKN pathway also promotes fission of damaged mitochondria by PINK1-mediated phosphorylation which promotes the PRKN-dependent degradation of mitochondrial proteins involved in fission such as MFN2 (PubMed:23620051). This prevents the refusion of unhealthy mitochondria with the mitochondrial network or initiates mitochondrial fragmentation facilitating their later engulfment by autophagosomes (PubMed:23620051). Regulates motility of damaged mitochondria via the ubiquitination and subsequent degradation of MIRO1 and MIRO2; in motor neurons, this likely inhibits mitochondrial intracellular anterograde transport along the axons which probably increases the chance of the mitochondria undergoing mitophagy in the soma (PubMed:22396657). Involved in mitochondrial biogenesis via the 'Lys-48'-linked polyubiquitination of transcriptional repressor ZNF746/PARIS which leads to its subsequent proteasomal degradation and allows activation of the transcription factor PPARGC1A (PubMed:21376232). Limits the production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) (PubMed:18541373). Regulates cyclin-E during neuronal apoptosis (PubMed:12628165). In collaboration with CHPF isoform 2, may enhance cell viability and protect cells from oxidative stress (PubMed:22082830). Independently of its ubiquitin ligase activity, protects from apoptosis by the transcriptional repression of p53/TP53 (PubMed:19801972). May protect neurons against alpha synuclein toxicity, proteasomal dysfunction, GPR37 accumulation, and kainate-induced excitotoxicity (PubMed:11439185). May play a role in controlling neurotransmitter trafficking at the presynaptic terminal and in calcium-dependent exocytosis. May represent a tumor suppressor gene (PubMed:12719539).
Sample type
Human EDTA plasma and serum are the recommended sample types. Human citrate plasma and heparin plasma are also accepted. For other samples types e.g cerebrospinal fluid, (CSF), tissue or cell lysates please we recommend Olink Target 96 panels. Please note that protein expression levels are expected to vary in different sample types and certain assays may be affected by interfering substances such as hemolysate.
Precision (repeatability) is calculated from linearized NPX values over LOD.
Analytical measuring range
The technical data reported below refers to the measured value in the in vitro validation assays run using known concentrations of recombinant antigen. Please note that these figures are for reference only and CANNOT be used to convert NPX values to absolute concentrations for proteins measured in plasma or serum samples.
Dilution factor
For optimal assay readout, Olink Explore is run using different dilutions of the original samples (undiluted, 1:10, 1:100 or 1:1000). The dilution factor for this assay is noted below and should be taken into account when estimating the appropriate addressable biological concentration of the protein based on the in vitro validation data.
Sensitivity plot
The calibrator curve shown below visualizes the analytical measuring range data based on in vitro measurement of recombinant antigen. Please note that this is shown for reference only and CANNOT be used to convert NPX values to absolute concentrations for proteins measured in plasma or serum samples. The vertical dotted lines represent LLOQ and ULOQ respectively, and the horizontal line indicates the LOD.
Sample distribution plot
The plot below shows the levels of protein measured in a number of commercial plasma samples. Healthy subjects are shown in blue and samples obtained from patients with a range of diseases are shown in red. The latter include inflammatory, cardiovascular, autoimmune & neurological diseases, as well as cancer. The data is shown to give a general idea of the sort of data range to expect, but cannot cover all potential levels that may be seen in clinical samples.
Biomarker Validation Data
Additional validation data, as well as a more detailed description of how the Olink panels are quality controlled can be found in our Data Validation documents – go to Document download center