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Autoantibody-Mediated Depletion of IL-1RA in Still’s Disease and Potential Impact of IL-1 Targeting Therapies

Journal of Clinical Immunology, 2024

Hoffmann M., Cavalli G., Fadle N., Cantoni E., Regitz E., Fleser O., Klemm P., Zaks M., Stöger E., Campochiaro C., Tomelleri A., Baldissera E., Bittenbring J., Zimmer V., Pfeifer J., Fischer Y., Preuss K., Bewarder M., Thurner B., Fuehner S., Foell D., Dagna L., Kessel C., Thurner L.

Disease areaApplication areaSample typeProducts
Immunological & Inflammatory Diseases

Olink Target 96



Adult-onset Still’s disease (AOSD) and systemic juvenile idiopathic arthritis (sJIA) resemble a continuum of a rare, polygenic IL-1β-driven disease of unknown etiology.


In the present study we sought to investigate a potential role of recently described autoantibodies neutralizing the interleukin-1(IL-1)-receptor antagonist (IL-1-Ra) in the pathogenesis of Still’s disease.


Serum or plasma samples from Still’s disease patients (AOSD, n = 23; sJIA, n = 40) and autoimmune and/or inflammatory disease controls (n = 478) were analyzed for autoantibodies against progranulin (PGRN), IL-1Ra, IL-18 binding protein (IL-18BP), and IL-36Ra, as well as circulating IL-1Ra and IL-36Ra levels by ELISA. Biochemical analyses of plasma IL-1Ra were performed by native Western blots and isoelectric focusing. Functional activity of the autoantibodies was examined by an in vitro IL-1β-signaling reporter assay.


Anti-IL-1-Ra IgG were identified in 7 (27%) out of 29 Still’s disease patients, including 4/23 with AOSD and 3/6 with sJIA and coincided with a hyperphosphorylated isoform of endogenous IL-1Ra. Anti-IL-36Ra antibodies were found in 2 AOSD patients. No anti-PGRN or anti-IL-18BP antibodies were detected. Selective testing for anti-IL-1Ra antibodies in an independent cohort (sJIA, n = 34) identified 5 of 34 (14.7%) as seropositive. Collectively, 8/12 antibody-positive Still’s disease patients were either new-onset active disease or unresponsive to IL-1 blocking drugs. Autoantibody-seropositivity associated with decreased IL-1Ra plasma/serum levels. Seropositive plasma impaired in vitro IL-1Ra bioactivity, which could be reversed by anakinra or canakinumab treatment.


Autoantibodies neutralizing IL-1Ra may represent a novel patho-mechanism in a subgroup of Still’s disease patients, which is sensitive to high-dose IL-1 blocking therapy.

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